
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

EA As for me, in justice (24)
CA I The sparrow finds a home (16)
CA II Whoever eats my flesh (60)

Responsorial Psalm, Year A

Psalm 64 (65): 10–14 r. Luke 8:8 — Some seed fell into rich soil and produced its crop.

Responsorial Psalm, Year B

Psalm 84 (85): 9–14 r 8 — Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving help.

Psalm 85 (L24)

Responsorial Psalm, Year C

Psalm 68 (69): 14. 17. 30–31. 33–34. 36–37 r. cf 33 — Seek the Lord, you who are poor, and your hearts will revive.


Psalm 18 (19):8–11 r. 9 — The precepts of the Lord gladden the heart.