The booklet for Lent contains settings for the following days:


Ash Wednesday

EA You are merciful to all (102)

Blessing and Distribution of Ashes

A I Let us change our garments
A II Let the priests
A III Blot out my transgressions (50)
R Let us correct our faults

CA He who ponders the law (1)

First Sunday of Lent

EA When he calls on me (90)
CA I One does not live (118)
CA II The Lord will conceal you (120)

Second Sunday of Lent

EA I Of you my heart has spoken (26)
EA II Remember your compassion (24)
CA This is my beloved Son (2)

Third Sunday of Lent

EA I My eyes are always on the Lord (24)
EA II When I prove my holiness (Ez 36)
CA Ia For anyone who drinks it (Is 12)
CA II The sparrow finds a home (83)

Fourth Sunday of Lent

EA Rejoice, Jerusalem (Is 66)
CA Ia The Lord anointed my eyes (145)
CA IIc You must rejoice, my son (121)
CA III Jerusalem is built as a city (31)21

Fifth Sunday of Lent

EA Give me justice, O God (42)
CA Ia Everyone who lives (129)
CA IIc Has no one condemned you, woman? (125)
CA III Amen, Amen I say to you (15)

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord


A Hosanna to the Son of David (117)
PA I The children of the Hebrews, carrying (23)
PA II The children of the Hebrews spread (46)
R As the Lord entered the holy city

Simple Entrance

EA Six days before the Passover
CA Father, if this chalice (115)

The text in brackets refers to the psalm verses. A letter following the Communion Antiphon (CA Ia) indicates the Liturgical Year.

23/3/14 — chant for Lent 3 Communion antiphon A modified (For anyone who drinks).