Comfort & Joy Acclamations

A set of Eucharistic Acclamations based on the carol God rest you merry gentlemen for the Christmas Season. The Acclamations are intended to be easy to pick up and possibly even bring a smile to some faces. The setting is arranged for unison voices (with an optional...


My soul glorifies the Lord. 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year B Luke 1: 46-50. 53-54. R. Is 61.10 — My soul rejoices in my God. Magnificat Ad3B (pdf) – psalm tone Magnificat b acc (pdf) – through setting Magnificat b r (pdf) Magnificat b full acc (pdf) a setting...

Psalm 130 (131)

O Lord, my heart is not proud. 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Psalm 130 (131) complete. R. — Keep my soul in peace before you, O Lord. Psalm 130-1 (pdf) Psalm 130-1 r (pdf) Psalm 130-2 (pdf) Share...

Eternal Rest

A setting, in English, of Requiem Aeternam with verses from Psalm 64. The refrain can be sung on its own and recalls the Latin chant. It was written for annual celebration of Remembrance Sunday where the Roll of Honour is read out and the second half of the refrain is...

Psalm 85 (86)

Turn your ear, O Lord, and give answer 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A Psalm 85 (86): 5-6. 9-10. 15-16. r. 5 — O Lord, you are good and forgiving. Psalm 85 (pdf) Psalm 85 r (pdf) Share...