Psalm 109 (110)

The Lord’s revelation to my Master. The Body & Blood of the Lord — Year C Psalm 109 (110): 1–4. R.v 4 — You are a priest for ever. A priest like Melchizedek of old. Psalm 109 (pdf) Psalm 109 r (pdf) Evening Prayer Sunday Evening Prayer II Psalm 109 is the...

Psalm 147

O praise the Lord. Jerusalem! The Body & Blood of the Lord — Year A Psalm 147: 12–15, 19–20 R. v. 12 — O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Psalm 147 (CC) (pdf) Psalm 147 (CC) r (pdf) 2nd Sunday after Christmas Psalm 147:12–15, 19–20. R. John 1:14 — The Word was...

Hymn of the Cherubim

The origins of this setting are unclear — any information would be welcomed. The text is from the Orthodix liturgy and is sung at the ‘Great Entrance’ when the gifts of bread and wine are taken to the altar. Let us who in mystery symbolise the cherubim,...

The Most Holy Trinity

Antiphons EA Blest be God the Father (112)CA Since you are children of God (Eph 1) Antiphons: Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord Responsorial Psalm — Year A Daniel 3:52–56 R. v. 52 — To you glory and praise for evermore. Responsorial Psalm — Year B Psalm 32: 4–6. 9....

Daniel 3: 57-88, 56

O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord. To him be glory and praise for ever. Daniel 3: 52–56, the Benedictus est is also available. Morning Prayer Sunday Morning Prayer, weeks I and III Daniel 3: 57-88. 56 — O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord....