by admin | May 3, 2014 | Christmas, Ordinary Time, Psalm, Solemnity, Sunday
O praise the Lord. Jerusalem! The Body & Blood of the Lord — Year A Psalm 147: 12–15, 19–20 R. v. 12 — O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Psalm 147 (CC) (pdf) Psalm 147 (CC) r (pdf) 2nd Sunday after Christmas Psalm 147:12–15, 19–20. R. John 1:14 — The Word was...
by admin | May 3, 2014 | Ordinary Time, Solemnity, Sunday
Antiphons EA Blest be God the Father (112)CA Since you are children of God (Eph 1) Antiphons: Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord Responsorial Psalm — Year A Daniel 3:52–56 R. v. 52 — To you glory and praise for evermore. Responsorial Psalm — Year B Psalm 32: 4–6. 9....
by admin | May 3, 2014 | Canticle, Morning Prayer, Sunday
O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord. To him be glory and praise for ever. Daniel 3: 52–56, the Benedictus est is also available. Morning Prayer Sunday Morning Prayer, weeks I and III Daniel 3: 57-88. 56 — O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord....
by admin | May 3, 2014 | Canticle, Morning Prayer, Psalm, Solemnity, Sunday
You are blest, Lord God of our fathers. To you glory and praise for evermore. This setting was originally written for a broadcast of Sunday Morning Prayer on Radio 4. For that occasion it was embellished with choir and instrument parts but it works just as well with...
by admin | May 2, 2014 | Day, Easter, Solemnity, Sunday
Antiphons Vigil EA You kingdoms of the earth (67) CA Christ, offerings a single sacrifice (109) Day EA Men of Galillee (95) CA Behold, I am with you always (45) Easter Antiphons Responsorial Psalm Psalm 46 (47): 2–3. 6–9. R. v. 6 — God goes up with shouts of...
by admin | May 2, 2014 | Day, Easter, Psalm, Solemnity, Sunday
All peoples, clap your hands. The Ascension of the Lord Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP Psalm 46 (47): 2–3. 6–9. R. v. 6 — God goes up with shouts of joy; the Lord goes up with trumpet blast. Psalm 46 (pdf) Psalm 46 r (pdf) CP Ps 46-1 Common...