Psalm 147

O praise the Lord. Jerusalem! The Body & Blood of the Lord — Year A Psalm 147: 12–15, 19–20 R. v. 12 — O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Psalm 147 (CC) (pdf) Psalm 147 (CC) r (pdf) 2nd Sunday after Christmas Psalm 147:12–15, 19–20. R. John 1:14 — The Word was...

The Most Holy Trinity

Antiphons EA Blest be God the Father (112)CA Since you are children of God (Eph 1) Antiphons: Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord Responsorial Psalm — Year A Daniel 3:52–56 R. v. 52 — To you glory and praise for evermore. Responsorial Psalm — Year B Psalm 32: 4–6. 9....

Daniel 3: 57-88, 56

O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord. To him be glory and praise for ever. Daniel 3: 52–56, the Benedictus est is also available. Morning Prayer Sunday Morning Prayer, weeks I and III Daniel 3: 57-88. 56 — O all you works of the Lord, O bless the Lord....

Daniel 3: 52-57

You are blest, Lord God of our fathers. To you glory and praise for evermore. This setting was originally written for a broadcast of Sunday Morning Prayer on Radio 4. For that occasion it was embellished with choir and instrument parts but it works just as well with...

The Ascension of the Lord

Antiphons Vigil EA You kingdoms of the earth (67) CA Christ, offerings a single sacrifice (109) Day EA Men of Galillee (95) CA Behold, I am with you always (45) Easter Antiphons Responsorial Psalm Psalm 46 (47): 2–3. 6–9. R. v. 6 — God goes up with shouts of...

Psalm 46 (47)

All peoples, clap your hands. The Ascension of the Lord Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP Psalm 46 (47): 2–3. 6–9. R. v. 6 — God goes up with shouts of joy; the Lord goes up with trumpet blast. Psalm 46 (pdf) Psalm 46 r (pdf) CP Ps 46-1 Common...