Antiphons: Ordinary Time III

Ordinary Time III (pdf) In Ordinary Time each booklet covers about 2 months of Sundays. Ordinary Time III covers the Sundays of August & September. For a table showing the relationship between the date  and the Sunday of the Year see the Liturgy Office website....

Antiphons: Ordinary Time II

Ordinary Time 2 (pdf) In Ordinary Time each booklet covers about 2 months of Sundays. Ordinary Time II covers the Sundays following Pentecost in June & July. Because Easter is a moveable feast the earliest day in Ordinary Time can be Monday in 6th Week and the...

Antiphons: Ordinary Time I

Ordinary Time I (pdf) In Ordinary Time each booklet covers about 2 months of Sundays. Ordinary Time I covers the Sundays between Christmas and Lent. Because Easter is a moveable feast the last Sunday before Lent can be as early as the 5th Sunday or as late as the 9th...

Antiphons: Easter

Easter (pdf) The booklet for Easter contains settings for the following days: Easter Season Easter Sunday — Day EA I I have risen (138) EA II The Lord is truly risen (97) CA Christ our Passover (65) Second Sunday of Easter EA I Like newborn infants (80) EA II...

Antiphons: Lent

Lent (pdf) The booklet for Lent contains settings for the following days: Lent Ash Wednesday EA You are merciful to all (102) Blessing and Distribution of Ashes A I Let us change our garments A II Let the priests A III Blot out my transgressions (50) R Let us...