Psalm 90 (91)

He who dwells in the shelter of the most high. 1st Sunday of Lent, Year C Common Psalms: Lent 2 Psalm 90 (91): 1–2. 10–15 r. cf. 15 — Be with me, Lord, in my distress. Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP CP Ps 90 (pdf) Share...

Psalm 71 (72)

O God, give your judgment to the king. Common Psalm: Epiphany Psalm 71 (72): 1. 2. 7-8. 10–13 r. cf. 11 — Before you all kings shall fall prostrate, all nations shall serve you. Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP CP Ps 71 (pdf) 2nd Sunday of...

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Antiphons Ordinary Time IV Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA If you, O Lord (129) CA I The rich suffer want (33) CA II When the Lord appears (62) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 22 (23) r. 5 — In the...

Psalm 97 (98)

Sing a new sing to the Lord. Common Psalms: Christmas Nativity of the Lord: Mass during the Day Psalm 97 (98): 1-6. r.3 — All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. Setting in Veni Emmanuel – Published Music Common Psalm Project — related settings...

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time II Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA As for me, in justice (24) CA I The sparrow finds a home (16) CA II Whoever eats my flesh (60) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 64 (65): 10–14 r. Luke 8:8 — Some seed fell into rich soil and produced...

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time III Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Look to your covenant (73) CA I O Jerusalem (147) CA II The bread that I will give (110) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 84 (85): 9–14 r. 8 — Let us see, O Lord, your mercy and give us your saving...