Psalm 45 (46)

God is for us a refuge and strength. Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Psalm 45 (46): 2–3. 5-6. 8-9. r. 5 — The waters of a river give joy to God’s city, the holy place where the Most High dwells. Psalm 45 (pdf) Psalm 45 r (pdf)   Share...

Psalm 77 (78)

Give heed, my people to my teaching. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Psalm 77 (78): 3-4. 23-25, 54 r. 24 — The Lord gave them bread from heaven. Psalm 77 (18OTB) (pdf) Psalm 77 (18OTB) r (pdf) The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Psalm 77 (78): 1–2, 34-38 r. 7 —...

1 Timothy 3

O praise the Lord, all you nations! He was manifested in the flesh. Epiphany of the Lord, Baptism of the Lord; Evening Prayer I 1 Timothy 3:16 — He was manifested in the flesh. A lively setting of this canticle which could be used at other liturgies in the Christmas...

Who do you say that I am?

A song based on Matthew 16 and Jesus’ question and the disciples’ response followed by Peter’s acclamation. You are the Christ, Son of the living God, Jesus the Messiah. Who do you say that I am? for Congregation, Cantor, Guitar and Keyboard. Who do...

Come and See

A simple, catechetical song in which short phrases of Jesus are repeated with each verse ending with the injunction: Don’t be afraid. Come and See for Congregation, Guitar and Keyboard. Come + see acc (pdf) Come + see gt (pdf) Come + see melody (pdf) Share...

Come and Drink

A Communion Song with a refrain, which may be sung repeatedly, verses drawn from Psalm 115 (116). The refrain balances some of the rich images associated with wine in scriptures with those of bread. The descant uses the words: ‘This is my body… This is my...