Springs of Water

A setting of the Acclamation following the Blessing of Water at the Easter Vigil. Optional verses can be used to accompany the Sprinkling with blessed water. For congregation, cantor, optional choir, keyboard and guitar. Springs of water (pdf) Springs of water –...

Lux et Origo Mass

This setting is based on the plainchant Mass I which is marked to be sung in the Easter Season. I have taken the chant and simplified it so that the English text can be sung to it. – but I hope that it retains some of the essence of the chant. Lux et origo is...

I heard the voice of Jesus say

The hymn text by Horatius Bonar (1808–1889) has 3 verses the 2nd and 3rd of which can be read as referring to the Gospels of the 3rd and 4th Sundays of Lent in Year A – the Samaritan Woman and the Man born blind. These Sundays, together with the 5th, provide...

Lord, you are really

A 3 part round based on John 4: 42, 15 (cf. 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A: Gospel Acclamation): Lord, you are really the Saviour of the world. Give us living water that we may never thirst. Like all rounds it benefits from singing a few times in unison first. In the...

Psalm 94 (95)

Come ring out your joy to the Lord. 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C Common Psalms: Ordinary Time 5 Common Psalm Project —...

From Paul

A collection of Seven and a half short songs for Assembly, Cantors, Choir, Guitar & Keyboard Each song can be downloaded separately and further details can be found on the individual pages:  What we have received The Spirit comes to help We are ambassadors for...