What we have received

A simple round based on 1 Corinthians 11:23 — What we have received from the Lord Jesus Christ; this we pass on, this we pass on. The form of the round articulates the passing on of faith. It can be used as part of reflections with catechists or on the Eucharist. It...

What does the Lord require?

Based on two passages of scripture: Micah 6 (What does the Lord require?) and Matthew 12 (The Beatitudes). It is a song about the invitation to live simply and fully. The Beatitudes are often used as the Gospel on Saint’s Days — including All Saints — so they...

Christmas Lamb of God

This setting is based on a Christmas hymn by Johann Georg Ebeling (1637–1676) (cf. All this my heart rejoices in Carols for Choirs 2). It can be sung just by Cantor and keyboard with the Congregation repeating the final phrase, by SATB choir. The repeat of the last...

Advent Lamb of God

This setting makes reference to O come, O come Emmanuel and Rorate caeli. It can be sung a number of ways: Cantor with the Congregation repeating the final phrase of each line; Cantor and then Choir coming in on ‘you take’ and Congregation repeating the...

Psalm 117 (118)

Alleluia! Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. Easter Sunday: Vigil — Mass of Easter Night: Responsorial Psalm Common Psalms: Easter 1b Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP Psalm 117: 1-2. 16-17. 22-23 — Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Easter...