Psalm 96 (97)

The Lord is king; let earth rejoice The settings marked MC are part of the More Common Psalms project. Nativity of the Lord: Mass at Dawn Psalm 96 (97): 1. 6. 11-12 — This day new light will shine upon the earth; the Lord is born for us. MC Psalm 96-1 (pdf) 7th Sunday...

Psalm 95 (96)

O sing a new song to the Lord. The settings marked MC are part of the More Common Psalms project. Nativity of the Lord: Mass during the Night Psalm 95 (96): 1–3. 11–13 r. Luke 2:11 — Today a saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord. MC Psalm 95-1 (pdf) The...

Psalm 66 (67)

O God, be gracious and bless us. Mary, Mother of God — January 1 Psalm 66 (67): 2-3. 5. 6. 8. r. 2 — O God, be gracious and bless us. The Response and the psalm tone are based on the Salve Regina. Psalm 66 (pdf) Psalm 66 r (pdf) 6th Sunday of Easter, Year C...

Psalms & Songs of Mercy

This collection has as its starting point the Year of Mercy which begins on 8 December 2015. Many of the pieces are based on passages highlighted in Pope Francis’ Misericordiæ Vultus. They are intended to be used whenever a community’s liturgy and prayer reflect on...

Psalm 92 (93)

The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed. Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King, Year B Psalm 92 (93): 1-2. 5. r. 1 — The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed. Psalm 92 (pdf) Ps 92 r (pdf) Share...

Psalm 125 (126)

When the Lord delivered Sion from bondage 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C 5th Sunday of Lent, Year C 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Sacraments of Initiation: Apart from the Easter Vigil Psalm 125 (126): complete r. 3 — What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we...