Psalm 79 (80)

O shepherd of Israel, hear us. 1st Sunday of Advent — Year B 4th Sunday of Advent — Year C Psalm 79 (80): 2–3, 15–16. 18–19 r. 4 — God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved. Psalm 79 (Advent) (pdf) Psalm 79 (Advent) r (pdf)...

1st Sunday of Advent

Antiphons Advent-Christmas First Sunday of Advent EA To you, I lift up my soul (24) CA The Lord will bestow his bounty (84) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 121 (122): 1-2. 4-5. 6–9. r. cf. 1 — I rejoiced when I heard them say: Let us go to God’s house.’...

4th Sunday of Advent

Antiphons Advent-Christmas: Sundays EA Drop down dew from above (18) CA Behold, a Virgin shall conceive (Luke 1) Responsorial Psalm  — Year A Psalm 23 (24):1–6 r. v.7. 10 — Let the Lord enter. He is the king of glory! Responsorial Psalm — Year B Psalm 88 (89): 2–5....

Psalm 24 (25)

To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 1st Sunday of Advent — Year C Common Psalms: Advent I Psalm 24 (25):4-5. 8-9. 10. 14 r. 1 — To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. This setting uses the same tone for the verses and a similar response  as 1st Sunday of Lent and 26th...

Advent Lamb of God

This setting makes reference to O come, O come Emmanuel and Rorate caeli. It can be sung a number of ways: Cantor with the Congregation repeating the final phrase of each line; Cantor and then Choir coming in on ‘you take’ and Congregation repeating the...

3rd Sunday of Advent

2nd Sunday of Advent 4th Sunday of Advent Antiphons Advent Responsorial Psalm — Year A Psalm 145 (146): 6-10. r. Is 35: 4 — Come, Lord, and save us.  Responsorial Psalm — Year B Luke 1: 46-50. 53-54. R. Is 61:10 — My soul rejoices in my God. Responsorial Psalm — Year...