Psalm 104 (105)

Give thanks to the Lord, tell his name. Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year B The readings and psalm for Years B & C, except for the Gospel, are optional and were additions in the 2nd edition of the Lectionary Psalm 104 (105): 1–6. 8–9. R. v. 7. 8. — He,...

1 Timothy 3

O praise the Lord, all you nations! He was manifested in the flesh. Epiphany of the Lord, Baptism of the Lord; Evening Prayer I 1 Timothy 3:16 — He was manifested in the flesh. A lively setting of this canticle which could be used at other liturgies in the Christmas...

Psalm 147

O praise the Lord. Jerusalem! The Body & Blood of the Lord — Year A Psalm 147: 12–15, 19–20 R. v. 12 — O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Psalm 147 (CC) (pdf) Psalm 147 (CC) r (pdf) 2nd Sunday after Christmas Psalm 147:12–15, 19–20. R. John 1:14 — The Word was...

Christmas Lamb of God

This setting is based on a Christmas hymn by Johann Georg Ebeling (1637–1676) (cf. All this my heart rejoices in Carols for Choirs 2). It can be sung just by Cantor and keyboard with the Congregation repeating the final phrase, by SATB choir. The repeat of the last...