Bear Music
Music for the Liturgy
New Lectionary - Advent 2024
Like many others I have been updating psalms for the new Lectionary which comes into use on First Sunday of Advent 2024. Psalms for Advent and Christmas are now available:
Also updated is the Helmsley Alleluia – with Advent verses from the new Lectionary.
Music for Rites
Responsorial Psalms and Antiphons are available for:
- Sacraments of Initiation including:
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Marriage
- Funerals
Psalm settings for Sundays, Solemnities and Sacraments can be found here in a variety of styles. Simple settings are provided for the Common Psalms which include other settings where the same psalm occurs in the Lectionary.
The page includes a list of psalm settings and of Sundays etc.
Mass Parts
At any Mass it is important to sing the Mass rather than just sing at Mass. Key to that principle is for the whole congregation to participate in the parts of the Mass: the Penitential Act, the Gloria, Gospel Acclamation, Eucharistic Acclamations (Sanctus, Memorial Acclamations and Amen), and Lamb of God.
Other Music
Here will be found a variety of pieces which are not Mass Parts, Psalms or Antiphons. These includes songs with congregational refrains and pieces for choirs written for a variety of occasions. There are ‘short songs’ or chants which can be used in different circumstances. read more…
- Current Settings
Advent & Christmas
- 1st Sunday of Advent
- 2nd Sunday of Advent
- 3rd Sunday of Advent
- 4th Sunday of Advent
- Nativity of the Lord
- Holy Family
- Mary, Mother of God
- 2nd Sunday after the Nativity
- Epiphany of the Lord
- Baptism of the Lord
Proper of Saints
Antiphons: Solemnities & Feasts of the Lord
- 8 December — The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Recent Additions
Psalm 104 (105)
Give thanks to the Lord, tell his name. Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year B The readings and psalm for Years B & C, except for the Gospel, are optional and were additions in the 2nd edition of the Lectionary Psalm 104 (105): 1–6. 8–9. R. v. 7. 8. — He,...
Psalm 88 (89)
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord. The following settings use the same response melody and psalm tone. 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B December 24 Psalm 88 (89): 2–5. 25. 27. R cf. v. 2 — I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord. Psalm 88 Advent 4. Year B (pdf)...
Helmsley Alleluia
This setting is based on the hymn tune Helmsley usually sung to Lo, he comes with clouds descending. It began when preparing for a small group where there would not be much time to rehearse. The readings suggested using Lo, he comes and I thought why not adapt as an...
Psalm 17 (18)
I love you, Lord, my strength. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B Psalm 17:2–4. 47. 51. r. 2 — I love you, Lord, my strength. Psalm 17 (pdf) Psalm 17 r (pdf)
Psalm 79 (80)
O shepherd of Israel, hear us. 1st Sunday of Advent — Year B 4th Sunday of Advent — Year C Psalm 79 (80): 2–3, 15–16. 18–19 r. 4 — God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved. Psalm 79 (Advent) (pdf) Psalm 79 (Advent) r (pdf)...
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Antiphons Ordinary Time I Third Sunday in Ordinary Time EA O sing a new song to the Lord (95) CA I Look towards the Lord and be radiant (33) CA II I am the light of the world (111) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 26 (27): 1. 4. 13–14 r. 1 — The Lord is my light...