
Psalm 104 (pdf)

Settings from Lectionary 24 using Abbey Psalms and Canticles.


1 Bless the Lord, O my soul! My God, how great you are! 104-1*

1a Bless the Lord, O my soul! 104-2

24c The earth is full of your creatures, O Lord. 104-3

30 Send forth your spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth. 104-4*, 5*, 6*, 7

31b May the Lord rejoice in his works. 104-8

Alleluia    104-A


21 The Baptism of the Lord, Year C ad libitum 104-1

41 Easter Vigil, Psalm after 1st Reading 104-4

62 Pentecost Sunday: Vigil Mass —simple form 104-5

62a Pentecost Sunday: Vigil Mass —extended form, Psalm after 4th Reading 104-5

63 Pentecost Sunday: Mass during the Day 104-6

174-13 Common Psalms: Pentecost Sunday 104-6


331i Wednesday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1 104-2

329i Monday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1 104-8


766-4 Confirmation 104-7

Various Needs and Occasions

914-2 At Seed-Time 104-3