My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
Common Psalm: Holy Week

Psalm 21 (22): 8–9. 17–20. 23–24 r.2 — My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Common Psalm Project — related settings have the suffix CP

5th Sunday of Easter, Year B

Psalm 21 (22): 26–28. 30-32 r. 26 — You, Lord, are my praise in the great assembly.

Rite of Confirmation

Psalm 21 (22): 23–24. 26–28. 31–32. r. 23 — I will tell of your name to my brethren.

Psalm 21 (22): 23–24. 26–28. 31–32. r. John 15:26–27 — When the Advocate comes, you will be my witnesses.