
Psalm 72 (pdf)

Settings from Lectionary 24 using Abbey Psalms and Canticles.


cf. 7 In his days shall justice flourish, and great peace for ever. 72-1*, 2

11 All the kings of the earth shall fall prostrate before you; all nations shall serve you. 72-3*

cf. 11 All the nations on earth shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord. 72-4*, 5

Sundays & Solemnities

4 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year A 72-1

20 The Epiphany of the Lord 72-4

174-4 Common Psalms: Epiphany 72-3


176 Tuesday, First Week of Advent 72-2

193 17 December 72-2

213 8 January or Tuesday after Epiphany 72-5

214 9 January or Wednesday after Epiphany 72-5

215 10 January or Thursday after Epiphany 72-5

Various Needs and Occasions

889-1 For the preservation of Peace and Justice 72-2

899-1 In time of War or Civil Disturbance 72-2