Psalm 84 (pdf)
Settings from Lectionary 24 using Abbey Psalms and Canticles
2 How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts. 84-1, 2, 3, 4
5a Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord. 84-5*, 6, 7, 8
Rev 21:3b Behold, the dwelling place of God is with his people. 84-9, 10
Rev 21:3c God himself will be with them as their God. 84-11
17 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year C 84-5
404i Thursday, 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1 84-2
330ii Tuesday, 5th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2 84-3
400ii Saturday, 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2 84-2
441ii Friday, 23rd Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2 84-1
507ii Friday, 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 2 84-9
Proper of Saints and Commons
703-3 Common of the Dedication of a Church
Resp. v. 2 84-3
Resp. Rev. 21:3b 84-10
Ritual Masses
772-2 Holy Orders 84-6
813-8 Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession 84-4
819-1 Dedication of an Altar
Resp. v. 2 84-3
Resp. Rev. 21:3b 84-10
Resp. Rev. 21:3c 84-11
Various Needs and Occasions
845-4 For Priests 84-7
859-4 For Vocations 84-8