33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time IV Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time EA The Lord said: I think (84) CA I To be near God (72) CA II Amen, I say to you (60) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 127 (128): 1–5 r.1 — O blessed are those who fear the Lord. Responsorial Psalm,...

Psalm 29 (30)

I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me. Easter Sunday: Vigil – Psalm after 4th Reading 3rd Sunday of Easter: Year C 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year B 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year C Psalm 29: 2. 4-6. 11-13 r.2 — I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued...

Psalm 15 (16)

Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you. The settings marked MC are part of the More Common Psalms project. Easter Sunday: Vigil — Psalm after 2nd Reading 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Year B Psalm 15: 5. 8-11 r. 1 — Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you. Easter...

Baptism of the Lord

Antiphons Christmas Responsorial Psalm — Year A Psalm 28 (29):1–4. 9–10 r. 11 — The Lord will bless his people with peace. Responsorial Psalm — Year B The provision in the Lectionary for Years B & C is a fruit of the 2nd edition of the Lectionary. The texts are...