Psalm 136 (137)

By the rivers of Babylon. 4th Sunday of Lent, Year B Psalm 136. R. v. 6 — O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not! Ps 136 b (pdf) Ps 136 b r (pdf) Share...

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time I Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Be my protector, O God (30) CA I They ate and had their fill (77) CA II God so loved the world (102) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 118 (119): 1–2. 4-5. 17–18. 33–34. r. 1 — They are happy who follow...

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time I Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA O come let us worship the Lord (94) CA I Let them thank the Lord for his mercy (106) CA II Blessed are those who mourn (36) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 111 (112): 4-9: r. 4 — The good man is a light in...

2nd Sunday on Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time I Second Sunday in Ordinary Time EA All the earth shall bow down (65) CA I You have prepared a table for me (22) CA II We come to know and believe (145) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 39 (40): 2. 4. 7–10 r. 8. 9. — Here I am, Lord! I come...

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time II Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA See, I have God for my help (24) CA I The Lord, the gracious, the merciful (16) CA II Behold, I stand at the door (60) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 85 (86): 5–6. 9–10. 15–16. r. 5 — O Lord, you are...