Our Lord Jesus Christ, Universal King

Antiphons Ordinary Time IV Solemnities and Feasts of the Lord EA How worthy is the Lamb (23) CA The Lord sits as King for ever (28) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 22 (23): 1–3. 5–6. r. 1 —  The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Responsorial...

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time II Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA God is in his holy place (24) CA I Bless the Lord, O my soul (102) CA II Blessed are the merciful (60) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 118 (119): 57. 72. 76–77, 127–130. r. 97 — Lord, how I love...

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time Antiphons Antiphons III Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA I am the salvation of the people (77) CA I You have laid down (18) CA II I am the good shepherd (22) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 144...

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time I Ordinary Time II Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA The Lord became my protector (17) CA I I will sing to the Lord (32) CA II Behold, I am with you always (67) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 61 (62): 2–3. 6–9. r. 6 — In God alone is my...

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time II Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time EA O Lord, hear my voice (26) CA I There is one thing I ask of the Lord (83) CA II Holy Father, keep in your name (132) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 99 (100): 2–3. 5 r.3 — We are his people, the sheep...