32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time IV Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Let my prayer (87) CA I The Lord is my shepherd (22) CA II The disciples recognised (22) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 62 (63): 2–8. r.2 — For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God....

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time II Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA The Lord is the strength of his people (27) CA I The eyes of all look to you, Lord (144) CA II I am the Good Shepherd (22) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 68 (69): 8–10. 14. 17. 33–35 r. 14 — In your...

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Antiphons Ordinary Time III Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Have mercy on me, O Lord (50) CA I How great is your goodness (30) CA II Blessed are the peacemakers (Is 66) Responsorial Psalm, Year A...

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time III Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Turn your ears, O Lord (85) CA I The earth is replete (103) CA II Whoever eats my flesh (103) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 137 (138): 1–3. 6. 8 r.8 — Your love, O Lord, is eternal discard not...

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Antiphons Ordinary Time III Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time EA Turn your eyes, O God (83) CA I With the Lord (129) CA II I am the living bread (118) Responsorial Psalm, Year A Psalm 66 (67): 2–3. 5–6. 8. r. 4 — Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the...